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The Agency Excellence Awards 2024 (the “Contest”) is an awards program for sales-supported agencies in the following countries (each country, a “Participating Territory”) only:

1.1 Andorra, Albania, Armenia, Angola, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Burkina Faso, Bulgaria, Burundi, Benin, Botswana, Belarus, Congo, Central African Republic, Switzerland, Cote d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Cyprus, Czechia, Germany, Djibouti, Denmark, Estonia, Eritrea, Spain, Ethiopia, Finland, Faroe Islands, France, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greenland, Gambia, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Greece, Guinea-Bissau, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Iceland, Italy, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Comoros, Kazakhstan, Liechtenstein, Liberia, Lesotho, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Monaco, Moldova, Madagascar, North Macedonia, Mali, Mauritania, Malta, Mauritius, Malawi, Montenegro, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sweden, Slovenia, Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands, Slovakia, Sierra Leone, San Marino, Senegal, Somalia, Sao Tome and Principe, Chad, Togo, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Türkiye, Tanzania, Ukraine, Uganda, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, Vatican City, Mayotte, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the MENA Region as defined below in section 1.7 (“EMEA Region”).

1.2 United States of America and Canada (“North American Region”)

1.3 Australia and New Zealand (“Australasia Region”);

1.4 Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri-Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam (“Southeast Asia Region”);

1.5 China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan

1.6 The EMEA Region, the North American Region, the Australasia Region, the Southeast Asia Region and each of the individual Participating Territories listed at section 1.5 above is each a “Region”.

1.7 Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen, Tunisia, and United Arab Emirates (“MENA Region”).24 (the “Contest”) is an awards program for sales-supported agencies in the following countries (each country, a “Participating Territory”) only:


The Contest is governed by these terms and conditions (“Rules”). In order to enter the Contest, you (“You” or “Entrant”) must agree to these Rules. Therefore, please read these Rules prior to entry to ensure You understand and agree.

2.1 If You are entering as part of a agency or entity, or otherwise on behalf of a agency or entity, You agree: (i) that these Rules are binding on such agency/entity; (ii) that You are one of the following: either an employee, director, office holder, worker or authorized agent of such agency/entity; (iii) that in entering into these Rules on behalf of such agency/entity that You are acting within the scope of Your authority and have been validly empowered by the agency/entity to enter the Contest, accept these Rules and otherwise represent the agency/entity in connection herewith under the laws and regulations of the national law applicable to You; (iv) that such agency/entity has full knowledge of Your actions and has consented thereto, including the potential receipt of a prize and attendance at an award event; (v) that Your actions do not violate such agency’s/entity’s policies or procedures.  Where You are entering on behalf of an agency/entity, You have no right to claim any prize or a portion thereof; the Entrant in such a case is the agency/entity.

2.2 All references to ‘You’ or ‘Entrant’ in these Rules include either a reference to You acting on Your own behalf or the agency/entity on whose behalf You are acting and that is entering the Contest, as the case may be.

2.3 You agree that submission of an entry in the Contest constitutes agreement to these Rules. You may not submit an entry to the Contest, and are not eligible to receive the awards described in these Rules, unless You agree to these Rules. These Rules form a binding legal agreement between You and Google with respect to the Contest.


3.1 To be eligible to enter the Contest: (i) You must be a legal resident of and physically located in, or in the case of a agency/entity, have Your head office or principal place of business located in, a Participating Territory; (ii) You must be above the age of majority in the Participating Territory in which You reside at the time of entry; (iii) You must be a sales-supported agency with a valid Ads Manager Account ID (MCC) performing business  in  the country in which Entrant is located when entering the Contest; and (iv) You must remain a sales-supported agency with a valid Ads Manager Account ID (MCC)  until at least 31 December 2024.

3.2. The Entrant must abide by any and all contractual obligations it owes to Google outside of these Rules during the Contest (including without limitation the Google Ads Terms & Conditions and the Google Marketing Platform Advertising Products - Service Specific Terms). Contest is void where prohibited by law. Directors, officers, employees, interns, contractors, and official office-holders of Google, its subsidiaries, affiliates, partner companies used for judging purposes, and their respective advertising and promotion agencies, representatives, and agents (“Contest Persons”), and members of the Contest Persons’ immediate families (parents, siblings, children, spouses, and life partners of each, regardless of where they live) and members of their households (whether related or not) are not eligible to participate in this Contest. Google reserves the right to verify eligibility and to adjudicate on any dispute at Google’s sole discretion at any time.

3.3 The sole determinant of the time for purposes of this Contest will be the official time-keeping device(s) used by Google.


The promoter of the Contest is: (i) for all Participating Territories within the EMEA Region - Google Ireland Limited, whose principal place of business is at Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland; and (ii) for all other Participating Territories - Google LLC, whose principal place of business is at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States.


The Contest opens for entry at 12 noon Pacific Time (“PT”) or 7 pm Greenwich Mean Time (“GMT”) on 4 June 2024 and closes at 5 pm PT or 12 am GMT on 12 July 2024 .


6.1 NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN.  To enter, You must fill out an electronic entry form at agencyexcellenceawards.withgoogle.com (“Entry Form”). Only one Entry Form per sales-supported agency with a valid Ads Manager Account ID (MCC), per Award, per region.

6.2 Where a sales-supported agency is active in more than one Region, the sales-supported agency may not submit entry forms for the same Award in more than one Region. The identity of a sales-supported agency will be determined by reference to the Google Ads Manager Account number (MCC) listed on their Entry Form and matched to their profile.

6.3 As described in the Entry Form, agencies will be required to submit a customer Case Study (“Case Study”) in the following scenarios:

  • Entrants in International Growth, Media Unification, Search Transformation, and (CN+ HK -ONLY: Outstanding Rookie Agency Award, and Top Policy Guardian Award) will be required to submit a customer (advertiser) case study as a part of the main application entry. You must obtain the advertiser’s consent for such case study via a case study release form (“Case Study Release Form”).
  • Finalists in App Growth, Creative Coverage (AUNZ, GRCN Only: Brand Awareness), Lead Generation, Measurement Solutions and Online Sales will be required to submit a customer case study ONLY if they are announced as Finalists (as defined in section 8.1.1 (“AWARDS AND ENTRY REQUIREMENTS.”) You must obtain the advertiser’s consent for such case study via a case study release form (“Case Study Release Form”)
  • The period of eligibility of ‘Case Studies’ put forth is July 1, 2023 - July 3, 2024. Case studies outside those dates should not be submitted, and will not be considered for evaluation.
  • Details on the (“Case Study Release Form”) are as follows:
  • EMEA Region:
    • For Entrants in all Participating Territories in EMEA Region (except MENA Region): The Case Study Release Form can be accessed here and the customer signed and completed Case Study Release Form should be uploaded as part of Your submission.
    • For Entrants in all Participating Territories in MENA Region: The Case Study Release Form can be accessed here and the customer signed and completed Case Study Release Form should be uploaded as part of Your submission.
  • North American Regions:
    • For Entrants in US, and Canada: The Case Study Release Form can be accessed here. The customer must sign and complete Case Study Release Form accessible through the above link.
  • Australasia Region:
    • For entrants in the Australasia Region: The Case Study Release Form can be accessed here. The customer must sign and complete Case Study Release Form accessible through the above link
  • Southeast Asia Region:
    • For Entrants in_Singapore: The Case Study Release Form can be accessed here and the customer signed and completed Case Study Release Form should be uploaded as part of Your submission.
    • For Entrants in Malaysia: The Case Study Release Form can be accessed here. The customer must sign and complete Case Study Release Form accessible through the above link.
    • For Entrants in Philippines: The Case Study Release Form can be accessed here. The customer must sign and complete Case Study Release Form accessible through the above link.
    • For Entrants in Indonesia: The Case Study Release Form can be accessed here. The customer must sign and complete Case Study Release Form accessible through the above link.
    • For Entrants in Vietnam: The Case Study Release Form can be accessed here and the customer signed and completed Case Study Release Form should be uploaded as part of  Your submission.
    • For Entrants in Thailand: The Case Study Release Form can be accessed here and the customer signed and completed Case Study Release Form should be uploaded as part of  Your submission
  • All other Regions:
    • For Entrants in China: The Case Study Release Form can be accessed here and the customer signed and completed Case Study Release Form should be uploaded as part of Your submission.
    • For Entrants in India: The Case Study Release Form can be accessed here. The customer must sign and complete Case Study Release Form accessible through the above link.
    • For Entrants in Japan: The Case Study Release Form can be accessed here. The customer must sign and complete Case Study Release Form accessible through the above link.
    • For Entrants in South Korea: The Case Study Release Form can be accessed here. The customer must sign and complete Case Study Release Form accessible through the above link.
    • For Entrants in Taiwan: The Case Study Release Form can be accessed here and the customer signed and completed Case Study Release Form should be uploaded as part of Your submission.

6.4 You will be responsible for Your failure to obtain and provide such consent and You will indemnify Google from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from Your failure to do so in accordance with Section 13 (Warranty and Indemnity) below.


7.1 Awards will be offered in different Regions in some or all of the following award categories (each an “Award”). There will be one “Winner” (as defined in section 8) per region in each category. Details of which awards will be offered in which Regions are set out in the table below:

Award Region
Lead Generation Award All Regions
Online Sales Award All Regions
Creative Coverage Award (AUNZ, GRCN ONLY - Brand Awareness Award) All Regions
App Growth Award  All Regions
International Growth Award All Regions
Workplace Excellence Award All Regions 
Measurement Solutions Award All Regions
Media Unification Award  All Regions
Search Transformation Award  All Regions 

7.2 You can enter any number of the above Awards available in Your Region by choosing the correct option(s) on Your Entry Form (one entry per Award type). However, You must first ensure You are eligible to enter the Award by checking the qualifying criteria below.  The following information also includes the judging criteria for each Award.

7.3 All entrants (as defined above), will be considered for the Breakthrough Excellence Award. The winner of the Breakthrough Excellence Award will be judged to have the biggest proportional development/growth over the 90-day period ending on 12 July 2024, based on performance indicators across all award categories.

7.4 The Award categories for 2024 are: App Growth, Creative Coverage (AUNZ/CN+HK ONLY: Brand Awareness), International Growth, Lead Generation, Measurement Solutions, Media Unification, Online Sales, Search Transformation and Workplace Excellence (CN+ HK -ONLY: Outstanding Rookie Agency Award, and Top Policy Guardian Award).

7.4.1 App Growth Award 2024

  • You must submit no more than the following number of characters in each of the following areas to describe why You should win the applicable Award: (i) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of how Your agency has been using Google Ads solutions to help Your clients increase their mobile app downloads, grow their return on ad spend, and scale their businesses, (ii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of a client success story You are most proud of , (iii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of Your team’s story of success with us.

7.4.2 Creative Coverage / Brand Awareness Award 2024

  • You must submit no more than the following number of characters in each of the following areas to describe why You should win the applicable Award: (i) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of how Your agency strategically uses Creative Coverage / Brand Awareness campaign to reach target audiences in the moments that matter for Your clients, (ii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of a client success story You are most proud of, (iii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of Your team’s story of success with us.

7.4.3 International Growth Award 2024

  • As part of the Entry Form, You must submit no more than the following number of characters in each of the following areas to describe why You should win the applicable Award: (i) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of how You use Google’s advertising solutions to deliver growth and sustainability for Your clients, (ii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of a client success story You are most proud of, (iii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of Your team’s story of success with us.

7.4.4 Lead Generation Award 2024

  • You must submit no more than the following number of characters in each of the following areas to describe why You should win the applicable Award: (i) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary of how Your agency has leveraged Google Ads solutions to help customers find high-quality leads and generate new business opportunities at scale (ii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of a client success story You are most proud of,  (iii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of Your team’s story of success with us.

7.4.5 Measurement Solutions Award 2024

  • You must submit no more than the following number of characters in each of the following areas to describe why You should win the applicable Award: (i) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of how Your agency implemented durable, privacy-first solutions to build a solid foundation of first-party data and measurement for Your client, (ii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of a client success story You are most proud of,  (iii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of Your team’s story of success with us.

7.4.6 Media Unification Award 2024

  • You must submit no more than the following number of characters in each of the following areas to describe why You should win the applicable Award: (i) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of how Your agency has leveraged Google’s advertising solutions to deliver world-class video campaigns that drive awareness and inspire consumer action,, (ii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of a client success story You are most proud of,,  (iii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of Your team’s story of success with us.

7.4.7 Online Sales Award 2024

  • You must submit no more than the following number of characters in each of the following areas to describe why You should win the applicable Award: (i) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of how Your agency leveraged Google Ads solutions to drive online sales and help Your clients reach the customers that matter most, (ii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of a client success story You are most proud of, (iii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of Your team’s story of success with us.

7.4.8 Search Transformation Award 2024

  • You must submit no more than the following number of characters in each of the following areas to describe why You should win the applicable Award: (i) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of how Your agency leveraged Google’s advertising solutions to show up where customers are searching, (ii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of a client success story You are most proud of, (iii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of Your team’s story of success with us.

7.4.9 Workplace Excellence Award 2024

  • As part of the Entry Form, You must submit no more than the following number of characters in each of the following areas to describe why You should win the applicable Award: (i) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of how Your agency drives significant business and client outcomes via best-in-class culture, innovation and leadership, (ii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of a client success story You are most proud of, (iii) Between 250-2,000 characters - a summary description of Your team’s story of success with us.

7.5 For all Awards, the Entrant that is judged to have performed the best overall in all of the above areas in respect of its relevant Region will win a 2024 Award for that Region, although Google may not Award in a particular Region if no Entrant in that Region is of a sufficiently high standard. For further details of the judging procedures see Section 8 (Judging) below.


The judging of the Contest is defined per category, as broken out below. Evaluation for the Agency Excellence Awards will be based on entering companies’ performance metrics as defined by Google’s analytics experts. Please note - the Workplace Excellence category will be reviewed in partnership with Accenture, an independent third party.

8.1 Judging process for categories; ‘App Growth,’ ‘Creative Coverage’, ‘Lead Generation’, ‘Measurement Solutions’ and ‘Online Sales’;

8.1.1 Phase One: Judging will be carried out by Google. Google will evaluate all eligible entries according to the following criteria: (i) quality of Google campaigns; (ii) optimization of Google products (iii) utilisation of Google’s AI and (iv) performance of Google campaigns, in each case as measured in Google’s sole discretion and informed by the applicable Ads Manager account (MCC) ID. The highest-scoring Entrants, capped at 40 Entrants, in each Region will be announced as “Finalists”.

The Breakthrough Excellence Award recognizes the agency to have shown the biggest proportional development/growth over the period of judgement, based on performance indicators across all award categories. Entrants must show the highest proportional increase across account performance, product adoption, AI solutions and improved measurement capabilities – compared to other Entrants. The Breakthrough Excellence Award  winner will be selected using the same criteria of evaluation across all categories, and reward the entrant that has shown the biggest proportional improvement in these categories over the 90-day period ending on 12 July 2024.

8.1.2 Phase Two: All “Finalists” are required to write a ‘Case study’. This case study will be used in evaluation to determine the “Winners”, and serves as content to promote the “Finalists” and “Winners” (as defined below). Failure to provide written ‘case study’ will result in ineligibility to a “Finalist” being awarded “Winner” (as defined below) or “Breakthrough Excellence” title. Google will establish a benchmark by reviewing each Entrant’s MCC account to establish their performance numbers and success metrics. Google will supplement this information with reviews of the written ‘Case Study’  to decide on and provide a “Winner” (based on highest score) of each Award in respect of each Region where that Award is offered (“Winners”).

8.2 Judging process for category; ‘International Growth’ 

8.2.1 Phase One: The first stage of judging will be carried out by Google. Google will evaluate all eligible entries according to the following criteria: (i) quality of Google campaigns; and (ii) performance of Google campaigns, in each case as measured in Google’s sole discretion and informed by the applicable Entry Form. In all Regions, the above criteria will be measured based on performance for the 90-day period ending on 12 July 2024.The highest-scoring Entrants for each Award in each Region will be selected to proceed to Round Two and be “Finalists”, provided that Google considers that those Entrants are of a sufficiently high standard to proceed.The highest-scoring Entrants, capped at 20 Entrants, in each Region will proceed to Phase Two and be “Finalists”.

8.2.2 Phase Two: Google (for the ‘International Growth’ category)  will coordinate a judging panel (“Google Judging Panel”) who will review all the data and judge the Entrants referred to it from Phase One on the following criteria (the “Judging Criteria”): (i) Strategy and tactics to drive customer marketing objectives , (ii) Use of Google Ads to drive customer marketing objectives, (iii) Use of AI to drive campaign performance, (iv) Measurement and results of a campaign. The Google Judging Panel will decide on and provide a winner (based on highest score) of each Award in respect of each Region where that Award is offered (“Winners”).


8.3 Judging process for categories; ‘Media Unification,’ ‘Search Transformation,’ and ‘Workplace Excellence’

8.3.1 Media Unification: All “Entrants” are required to write a ‘Case Study’ and answer application questions as a part of entry for this category. The ‘Case Study’ and application questions will be used as a part of the determination of “Finalists” and “Winners” (as defined below). Failure to provide written  ‘Case Study’ or failure to answer application questions will result in ineligibility to a “Finalist” being awarded “Winner” (as defined below). For the ‘Media Unification’ category, Google will coordinate a judging panel (“Google Judging Panel'') who will review Media Unification entries and judge the Entrants referred to it on the following criteria (the “Judging Criteria”) : (i) Best practices empowering brands to engage with their viewers via Connected TV campaigns, (ii) Best practices leveraging AI or ML applications to drive success for Your customers, (iii) Best practices pushing the boundaries of innovation with Your creative campaigns. The Google Judging Panel will decide on and provide a winner (based on highest score) of each Award in respect of each Region where that Award is offered (“Winners”).

8.3.2 Search Transformation: All “Entrants” are required to write a ‘Case Study’ and answer application questions as a part of entry for this category. The ‘Case Study’ and application questions will be used as a part of the determination of “Finalists” and “Winners” (as defined below). Failure to provide written ‘Case Study’ or failure to answer application questions will result in ineligibility to a “Finalist” being awarded “Winner” (as defined below). For the ‘Search Transformation’ category, Google will coordinate a judging panel (“Google Judging Panel”) who will review Search Transformation entries and judge the Entrants referred to it on the following criteria  the “Judging Criteria”) : (i) Best practices supporting multiple customer implementations and driven advanced use cases with solutions such as SA360, Value Based Bidding, and Performance Max, (ii) Best practices leveraging AI or ML applications to drive success for Your customers, (iii) Overall approach to advancing Your clients’ digital maturity with GMP + Ads search solutions. The Google Judging Panel will decide on and provide a winner (based on highest score) of each Award in respect of each Region where that Award is offered (“Winners”).

8.3.3 Workplace Excellence: All “Entrants” are required to answer application questions as a part of entry for this category. The application questions will be used as a part of the determination of “Finalists” and “Winners” (as defined below). Failure to answer application questions will result in ineligibility to a “Finalist” being awarded “Winner” (as defined below). For the ‘Workplace Excellence’ category, Google will provide Workplace Excellence entries to its external judging partner, Accenture PLC.  Accenture PLC (for the “Workplace Excellence'' Award) will coordinate a judging panel (“Independent Judging Panel”) who will review Workplace Excellence entries and judge the Entrants referred to it on the following criteria (the “Judging Criteria”) : (i) How Your agency nurtures talent to create and foster a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion, (ii) the impact of Your leadership on the innovation and growth strategies employed at Your agency, (iii) how Your culture fosters innovation and new opportunities for Your business and Your clients. The Independent Judging Panel will decide on and provide a winner (based on highest score) of each Award in respect of each Region where that Award is offered (“Winners”).

8.4 The Finalists Announcement: Finalists will be announced here: agencyexcellenceawards.withgoogle.com in September 2024 (subject to change). Finalists will also be notified by email and invited to share their Finalist status publicly, on their website and in the press. Google will provide guidance on how to do this, which Entrants must follow. If there are no Finalists for an Award in a particular Region (because no Entrant was of a sufficiently high standard to qualify as a Finalist,), or if Google and/or the Independent Judging Panel does not consider that any of the Finalists’ entries are of a sufficiently high standard, that Award will not be awarded in that Region.


The Winner of each Award in each case will be presented with a trophy and invited to promote its Award-winning status, for the relevant Region in which it has won, in all sales and marketing collateral. The Finalists of each Award in each case will be presented with a trophy and invited to promote their Finalist status, for the relevant Region in which they have won, in all sales and marketing collateral.  In each case this is subject to (i) Google’s brand usage guidelines which will be provided to them, and (ii) the exact usage being approved first by Google in writing. Winners will be permitted to issue a press release notifying the public of their receipt of the Award after receiving Google’s written consent to the exact wording and presentation. In order to be featured in any 2025 marketing collateral, You must remain a sales-supported agency with a valid Ads Manager Account ID (MCC)  until at least December 31, 2024.


Google reserves the right to disqualify any Entrant from the Contest if, in Google’s sole discretion, the Entrant has failed to comply with these Rules, the Entrant has attempted to undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest by cheating, deception, or other unfair playing practices, the Entrant annoys, abuses, threatens or harasses any other Entrants, Google or any of the judges, or the Entrant’s conduct is contrary to the spirit or intention of the Contest.


11.1 Entrants agree - and further warrant they will only allow employees of their agency, or delegates identified on the agency’s behalf to attend any Agency Excellence Award event or related activation - included but not limited to, Awards summits, panels, and other events run by Google in relation to the Agency Excellence Awards -  provided such delegate also agrees - that personal data including but not limited to name, mailing address, phone number, and email address (“Personal Data”)  may be collected, processed, stored and otherwise used for the purposes of conducting and administering the Contest. This data may also be used by Google to verify an Entrant’s identity, postal address and telephone number in the event an Entrant qualifies for any applicable Award as well as to deliver the applicable Award(s). All personal information that is collected from the Entrant is subject to Google’s Privacy Policy, located at https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/.

11.2 If You are located in the EEA, Switzerland or the UK, then pursuant to the GDPR  (as defined below) pertaining to data collection and processing, You are informed that:

  • The data controller responsible for processing Your Personal Data is Google Ireland Limited (if You are located in the EEA or Switzerland) and the data controller is Google LLC if You are located in the UK) and the data recipients are Google Ireland Limited (or Google LLC, as the case may be) and its agents;
  • Google’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted here;
  • Your data is collected and will be processed (i) as is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the Entrant is a party, and (ii) as is necessary for purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the data controller being: verification of the Entrant’s identity and informing You about the Contest;
  • Your data will be stored until the conclusion of any Agency Excellence Awards 2024 Event and for a maximum of one year thereafter.
  • Personally identifiable information may be transferred to countries outside the country of Your residence, including the United States. Such other countries may not have privacy laws and regulations similar to those of the country of Your residence. Transfers will be made in accordance with the Privacy Policy referenced above.
  • Pursuant to applicable data protection laws You have the right (i) to withdraw consent for use of Your personal data (ii) to object to processing of Your personal data (iii) to request access, review, rectification or deletion of any personal data held by Google in connection with the Contest, or data portability, by reaching out to the Agency Excellence Awards team at agencyexcellenceawards@withgoogle.com.
  • You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
  • GDPR” means (i) the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the “EU GDPR”) on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union (“EU”) and the European Economic Area (“EEA”); (ii) the EU GDPR as incorporated into United Kingdom (“UK”) law by the Data Protection Act 2018 and amended by the Data Protection, Privacy and Electronic Communications (Amendments etc) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (“UK GDPR”); and (iii) the Federal Data Protection Act of 19 June 1992 (Switzerland) (each as amended, superseded, or replaced).

11.3 You represent and warrant, in respect of any Personal Data which You collect from Your customer advertisers and which is used as part of the Contest (whether in submissions or within case studies), that such Personal Data has been collected in compliance with any and all privacy, data security, and data protection laws, directives, regulations, and rules in any jurisdiction applicable to You or Your customer advertisers, and that such customer advertisers have given their consent to allow Google to use their Personal Data in case studies of the Contest and to contact Your customer advertisers directly for interviews, case study use permission and to invite them to participate in events. When seeking consent You must retain records of consent given by Your customer advertiser; and provide Your customer advertiser with clear instructions for revocation of consent. If You fail to comply with this requirement, we may suspend or terminate Your participation in the Contest.

11.4 If You are located in Turkey, for the avoidance of doubt, You have the right to learn whether Your personal data is being processed; to request information with respect to that processing; to obtain information as to the purposes of the processing and whether the personal data has been processed accordingly; to know the third persons within or outside the country to whom personal data is transferred; to request the notification to third parties, to whom the personal data has been transferred, of rectification, erasure or destroying operations; to object to any conclusion to their detriment, which results from analysis of the processed data exclusively by means of automated systems; to request compensation for the damages incurred as a result of an unlawful personal data processing.


By accepting an Award, the Entrant agrees to Google and its agencies use of their name and/or likeness (and declares that its delegates attending or participating in any activation or event related to or derived from the Agency Excellence Awards  also agree to such use of their names and/or likenesses and will sign a release if required by Google to do so), business name, and website for advertising and promotional purposes without additional compensation. As a condition of entry, Entrant grants Google, its subsidiaries, agents and partner companies, a worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, adapt, modify, publish, distribute, publicly perform, create a derivative work from, and publicly display all competition entries and any accompanying material (including but not limited to Entrant’s name, logo, related images and other brand features) for the maximum period permitted by law (in all forms in which these can be expressed, including but not limited to paper and electronic form): (1) for the purposes of allowing the Google and the judges to evaluate the entry for purposes of the Contest, and (2) as a demonstration of the Winners’ experiences to be displayed online. The Entrant grants Google permission to utilise Entrant's shared online data and experiences in Google's marketing materials.


To the maximum extent permitted by law, each Entrant indemnifies and agrees to defend, hold harmless and keep indemnified Google and Accenture PLC  and their respective affiliates, directors, officers and employees at all times from and against any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs, fees (including reasonable attorneys fees) and expenses relating to any allegation, claim, action, suit or proceedings arising out of or related to: (a) any act, default or omission of the Entrant and/or a breach of warranty set out in these Rules; (b) any misrepresentation made by the Entrant in connection with the Contest; (c) any non-compliance by the Entrant with these Rules; (d) claims brought by persons or entities other than the parties to these Rules arising from or related to the Entrant’s involvement with the Contest; (e) acceptance, possession, misuse or use of any prize or participation in any Contest-related activity or participation in this Contest; (f) any error in the collection, processing, or retention of entry information; or (g) any typographical or other error in the printing, offering or announcement of any prize or Winners.


Any false information provided within the context of the Contest by any Entrant concerning identity, mailing address, telephone number, email address, ownership of right or non-compliance with these Rules or the like may result in the immediate elimination of the Entrant from the Contest, in addition to any other applicable remedy.


To the maximum extent permitted by law, Google is not responsible for any malfunction of the Google Ads or Google Marketing Platform tools or functions or any late, lost, damaged, misdirected, incomplete, illegible, undeliverable, or destroyed entries due to system errors, failed, incomplete or garbled computer or other telecommunication transmission malfunctions, hardware or software failures of any kind, lost or unavailable network connections, typographical or system/human errors and failures, technical malfunction(s) of any telephone network or lines, cable connections, satellite transmissions, servers or providers, or computer equipment, traffic congestion on the Internet or at the Google Ads site, or any combination thereof, including other telecommunication, cable, digital or satellite malfunctions which may limit an Entrant’s ability to participate.


If for any reason the Contest (or a part of it) is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of the Contest, Google reserves the right at its sole discretion, subject in Quebec only to the approval of the Régie des alcools, courses et des jeux (the “Régie”), to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest. Google further reserves the right to disqualify any Entrant who tampers with the submission process or any other part of the Contest. Any attempt by an Entrant to deliberately damage any relevant website, or undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest may be a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, Google reserves the right to seek damages from any such Entrant to the fullest extent of the applicable law. Google reserves the right to disqualify any Entrant that it determines has violated the terms and conditions of its contract with Google as a member of the Google Partner Program.


Under no circumstances shall the submission of an Entry Form, the winning of an Award or anything in these Rules be construed as an offer or contract of employment with Google. You acknowledge that You have participated in this Contest voluntarily and not in confidence or in trust. You acknowledge that no confidential, fiduciary, agency or other relationship or implied-in-fact contract now exists between You and Google or the Contest Entities and that no such relationship is established.



18.2 For all Entrants located in the MENA Region: To the fullest extent permitted by law, these Rules shall be governed by, subject to, and construed in accordance with English law. You and Google agree to submit any dispute arising out of or in relation to these Rules or the Contest (contractual or non-contractual), including any question regarding their existence, validity or termination, to be determined and finally resolved by binding arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the DIFC – LCIA Arbitration Centre, which are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this Section. The number of arbitrators shall be one and shall be appointed by the parties by mutual agreement (and in the absence of agreement within 14 days of referral of the matter to arbitration, the arbitrator shall be selected by the DIFC-LCIA Arbitration Centre). The seat, or legal place of arbitration shall be the DIFC and the language used shall be English.

18.3 For all Entrants located in Regions other than the EMEA Region: To the fullest extent permitted by law, these Rules and the Contest will be governed by and construed under the laws of the state of California without reference to its conflict of law principles. In the event of any conflicts between foreign law, rules, and regulations, and California law, rules, and regulations, California law, rules and regulations will prevail and govern. Save for Entrants from Quebec (see Section 18.4) Google and all Entrants under this Section 18.3 agrees to submit to the exclusive and personal jurisdiction of the courts located in Santa Clara County, California.

18.4 For Entrants located in Quebec only: Any litigation respecting the conduct or organization of a publicity Contest may be submitted to the Régie for a ruling. Any litigation respecting the awarding of an Award may be submitted to the board only for the purpose of helping the parties reach a settlement.


In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the terms of these English Rules and any related materials (including, but not limited to: the website, non-English translations of these Rules, point of sale, television, print or online advertising, any instructions or interpretations of these Rules given by an employee or other representative of Google) then the terms of these English Rules shall prevail, govern and control to the fullest extent permitted by law.


For any questions relating to this Contest, including for details of prizewinners and/or names of the judges comprising the Independent Judging Panel applicable to Your Region, please send an email to the Agency Excellence Awards team (agencyexcellenceawards@withgoogle.com) – Google will endeavour to respond to all queries within five (5) business days.