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Recognising excellence in digital advertising

The Agency Excellence Awards celebrate industry leaders pushing boundaries, breaking through and driving exceptional results for their clients across nine categories. Will your company make the cut?



The 2024 Agency Excellence Awards recognise companies around the world for excellence with Google’s advertising solutions. This is your opportunity to be recognised for your success and driving results for your clients – and gain valuable industry recognition.

Important dates

Award categories

All of the Agency Excellence Awards categories were created with your clients’ marketing objectives and your workplace at the fore.


Evaluation for the Agency Excellence Awards will be based on entering companies’ performance metrics for product best practices as defined by Google’s analytics experts as well as case study submissions. Please note – the Workplace Excellence category will be reviewed in partnership with Accenture, an independent third party.


What is the application period for the 2024 Agency Excellence Awards?

4 June to 12 July 2024.

What are the categories?

The Agency Excellence Awards categories are Measurement Solutions, Media Unification, and Search Transformation, as well as Creative Coverage (formerly Brand Awareness), Lead Generation, Online Sales, App Growth, International Growth, and Workplace Excellence.

How many awards can my company apply for?

Each agency can apply for all nine awards. You can only enter the awards contest in which your MCC ID is valid in, even if your company is active in more markets/locations. Read the terms and conditions for more details.

What are the prerequisites for applying for an award?

To apply for an award, you must be a sales-supported agency with a valid MCC ID. See the terms and conditions for more details.

Who do I contact if my company has questions?

Please reach out to our support team [agencyexcellenceawards@withgoogle.com] and list [“Agency Excellence Awards”] in the subject line of your message. A member of our team will be in touch soon to answer any questions.